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YQCA Training at Hancock County 4-H Fairgrounds Feb 25 at 6:30PM
February 25, 2019 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
The YQCA training is required before you will be able to unload your animals for the 2019 Hancock County Fair or participate at the 2019 Indiana State Fair.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What if I show multiple animal species?: You only need to complete the certification once per year, and that will apply to each of your animals.
- How long does the in-person class take?: It is approximately one hour but please come early to sign up before the class starts.
- What if I still have a valid PQA Certification?: Currently, if you have a valid PQA Certification, it will be honored until it expires, even if you show multiple species.
- When should I register for a class?: As soon as possible! Space is limited in each class, and we recommend registering at least a week prior to the class being offered.
- What if I do not remember my 4HOnline email address?: Contact our office, and we can tell you what it is. If you do not sign in with 4HOnline, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to gain access to your completion information. If you do not remember your password, you can reset that yourself using the “Forgot Password” option at https://in.4honline.com
- How long is my certification valid?: The in-person trainings are only valid for 1 year. There is an online test out option now for 2019 outlined above.
- What if I am not selling my animal in the Auction?: This is not an auction requirement, it is an exhibit requirement, so to show your animal, you must complete the certification.
- Do Mini 4-H Members need a YQCA Certification?: No, this is for 4-H members in grades 3-12.
To exhibit beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, meat goats, dairy goats, poultry and rabbits, 4-H members must be certified through the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals. This is an annual program that can be completed via online modules or in-person trainings.
Hancock County will be offering instructor-led trainings on February 4th at 6:00pm, March 14th at 6:30, and April 2nd at 5:30pm at Purdue Extension Hancock County, 802 Apple Street, Greenfield, IN. An instructor-led training will also be held at the Hancock County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall on February 25th at 6:30pm, 620 Apple Street- please note the location change on the February 25th training.
Class space is limited so reserve your spot as soon as possible. Each 4-H member must register for instructor-led trainings prior to arriving at the session. To register you need to go tohttps://yqca.learngrow.io/
Each 4-H member will then come to a screen that shows different courses based on their age level. Select the course appropriate for their age. You will select the age you turned in the previous calendar year. Once you have selected the course you will see a different screen that shows two option: web-based ($12) or instructor –led ($3). If you want to register to take the training in person through Purdue Extension Hancock County, you must select the $3.00 option and pay via credit card. The only way to pay for this training is by credit card online. We cannot accept cash or check for this. Financial assistance from our office can be provided upon request.
Each 4-H member will also have the option of taking the web-based option for $12.00. If you decide to go this route, you do not have to attend a training session in person. You will take the course online at home, on your own time. However, the difference between the web-based program and instructor led program is with the web-based program you will have to take a test at the end. If you do not pass the test you will be locked out of the system for 1 hour and then have to retake the test until you pass it.
Those that attend the instructor– led training do not have to take a test, just coming and participating in the training will certify you that evening. You must register for the instructor – led training prior to coming the class. A step-by-step guide on how to register can be found below.
*New for 2018-2019* – Online Test Out Option
The newest change comes in the form of the online test out option for youth in the intermediate, senior, and young adult categories. This will be an accepted form of certification for Indiana 4-H members. Those individuals wishing to test out must meet the following criteria:
- This is only available to youth in the first year of intermediate (age 12), senior (age 15) and young adult (age 19). There is no test-out option for juniors. At the bottom of the “Course List” page are the test-out options for these age levels.
- The test consists of 50 questions and requires a pass rate of 80% or better for certification.
- If passed, the certification will last through the end of a user’s age level (intermediate – ages 12, 13 and 14; senior – ages 15, 16, 17 and 18; and young adult – ages 19, 20 and 21.)
- The intermediate and young adult test-out course will cost $36 ($12 x 3 years of certification) and the senior test-out course will cost $48 ($12 x 4 years of certification.) If passed, users will receive access to online modules that correspond with the age levels indicated above, found on the user’s “My Library” page.
- Users will have one chance to take the test-out option. If they fail, they will not be provided another opportunity for that level of certification. If the youth passes, payment for the completed test out course will be required after the completion of the test. No payment is required to attempt the test.
- Participants attempting and not passing will be prompted to take the instructor-led training or web-based training annually.
- It is the user’s responsibility to ask if their state recognizes YQCA certification via the test-out option.
More information can be found here: https://